Saturday, April 17, 2010

Land, ho! (AKA packing for new house)

This week I'm packing up my house. I have to say, I am pretty damn exhausted. Every day has been...get up early, drag self off to work, do nothing of import at work (slow week), and then go home and pack until like, midnight.

I have the world's tiniest stuff but I have managed to cram a hell of a lot of stuff into it!!

Last night I packed until like midnight. I also had pizza for supper, which is not the greatest, but I didn't eat too much. I had three pieces. That IS one more than I should have had...but hey. Pizza with pineapple, red onion and crumbly bacon tastes DAMN good at 10pm when you haven't eaten since lunch!!

I would say the real downfall is I had a cream soda with it, instead of diet coke or water. Bad Anne!

At least I was packing and moving around, so I got some exercise in.

Speaking of we go again!

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